
Hi, I’m Buzz

I’m Buzz, a four year old great pyrenees. My mom is Beth, a designer, entrepreneur and Reiki practitioner. We love going to hospitals and schools spreading joy.

We live in West Chester, PA with my family.

Great Pyrenees dogs can make wonderful therapy dogs due to their gentle and calm nature. Their size, majestic appearance, and friendly disposition often make them well-suited for providing comfort and companionship to individuals in various therapeutic settings. Here are some qualities that make the Great Pyrenees a good candidate for therapy work:

  1. Gentle Temperament: Great Pyrenees are known for their gentle and calm temperament. They are typically patient and tolerant, which are essential traits for therapy dogs working with different people, including those who may be anxious or in distress.
  2. Affectionate: These dogs are affectionate and form strong bonds with their human companions. This quality can be reassuring and comforting for individuals in therapy settings.
  3. Good with People: Great Pyrenees are generally good with people, including children. Their friendly and sociable nature makes them approachable and well-received in therapy environments.
  4. Watchful and Protective: While being gentle, Great Pyrenees also have a protective instinct. This can be beneficial in certain therapy situations, providing a sense of security for those they interact with.
  5. Adaptability: Great Pyrenees are adaptable dogs, and they can adjust well to different environments and situations. This adaptability is crucial for therapy dogs that may encounter various settings and people.
  6. Trainability: While they can be independent, Great Pyrenees are generally trainable. Basic obedience training is essential for therapy dogs, and the willingness to learn and follow commands is important for their success in this role.

It’s important to note that individual temperament can vary among dogs, even within the same breed. If you’re considering a Great Pyrenees for therapy work, early socialization, obedience training, and exposure to various environments are key to ensuring they are well-prepared for their role. Additionally, certification through a reputable therapy dog organization may be required, as they often have specific requirements and standards for therapy dog teams.